Quick guide to the instructor website
All you really need is 5 links
For a breakdown of what comes with your cert and what is required to renew or upgrade, click on the 'membership tab'. Here's a direct link: https://www.asainstructor.com/membership
To request an upgrade or renewal, click on the upgrade/renewals tab. Here's a direct link: https://www.asainstructor.com/certstatus
To log your classes, click on the 'class log' tab. Here's a direct link: https://www.asainstructor.com/certstatus
To sign up for clinics or training click on the "training" tab. Here's a direct link: https://www.asainstructor.com/training
To order routines, click on the "routines" tab. Here's a direct link: https://www.asainstructor.com/materials2