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Greetings Instructors!

A new year is on the horizon and we cannot think of a better time than the end of the epic 2020 to give ASA! a complete makeover. Starting January 1, 2021, ASA! Enterprises will be enforcing the official ASA! Membership. Our ASA! Fanatics around the world will finally have passport access to ASA! classes provided and hosted by the ASA! Enterprises company in addition to assistance registering for YOUR weekly classes. With 4 classes per month, this membership will also give you the opportunity to teach home base class

es and promote yourself and your ASA! business to a wider audience. With the premier of the “ASA! Planner”, you'll be able to recruit new class participants directly from the ASA! membership forum!

This new year makeover will also include changes to your certification:

  • ASA! Nexup will be replaced by AFIN (ASA! Fitness Instructor Network); A subscription membership for all certified instructors.

  • The separation of NEXUP and irregular class certifications will be null and void on January 1, 2020. All instructor fees will be replaced by an automatic flat rate AFIN subscription fee which corresponds to your certification level:

    • Level 1- $20/month

    • Level 2- $25/month

    • Level 3- $30/month

  • ASA! Instructors currently paying $10/month will have until February 1, 2021 to switch over to the AFIN subscription payment plan.

  • All ASA! instructors, now referred to as AFIN members, will receive 30% off a  their purchase of ASA! apparel for the month of January and first dibs on the new inventory for a fresh start in 2021!

  • While subject to change, all dates for instructor clinics in the year 2021 will be set by January 1, 2020.

  • The ASA! Instructor website, now under construction, will be upgraded to reflect these changes by or before December 20th, 2020.

As stated in your ASA! manuals and the agreement posted on the ASA! instructor website, ASA! Enterprises LLC reserves the right to make policy changes where needed. As we usher in new changes, we need to ensure that all current certifications have been made valid by signing the upgraded ASA! Instructor Agreement. Please click the link below to review and sign the updated ASA! instructor agreement. Send your signed agreement to .

Stay tuned for details on the final ASA! instructor seminar to close out the year. Here, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions and raise any concerns regarding the new system.

We cannot wait for you to take full advantage of all the changes and boost your ASA! business! We are claiming it now! 2021 will be an AMAZING YEAR! 

Stay ASA! Strong!


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