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Changes to your Certification

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Greetings ASA! instructor! First and foremost, we would like to thank you for your amazing service in promoting health and wellness and representing the ASA! brand. As an instructor, you are not only aware of but contribute to our vision of physical fitness and overall health amongst our class participants worldwide. At this time, we would like to bring your attention to our objective of providing certified ASA! instructors the opportunity and resources needed to make ASA! a credible and profitable career path.

As such, ASA! is currently undergoing a facelift! As of January 2018, ASA! Eneterprises has been under a rebranding process aimed at improving our global reach as well as communications within our ASA! family. It is therefore imperative that we sustain the artistic, scientific, and economic integrity in the competitive and loosely regulated fitness industry of 2018. This effects you as an instructor. Changes to every level of the ASA! certification will take effect

July 1, 2018.

These changes have been put in place to further assist in populating your classes, promoting you as an instructor, providing the benefits of national accredidation, and adequetly regulating your teaching styles and program implementation for steady progression as a group exercise professional. Please click the link below to view details on the new policy. If you have any questions please contact us at (301)892-6570 or

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